November 23, 2023

More participation by Women's Talent in the framework of EXPONOR 2024

The launch of this activity was attended by representatives of mining companies, suppliers and academia, to learn more about the initiatives that will be implemented next year.

According to the study "Women and Mining", published by Women in Mining in 2022, the main motivation for women to enter the mining industry is to reduce the gaps in female participation, that is, the policy dimension of the decision. With this in mind, the official launch of Women's Talent, an employment, networking and recruitment connection initiative, organized by RedEG and the Antofagasta Industrial Association, AIA, will be held between June 3 and 6 within the framework of EXPONOR 2024.

This meeting served as a platform for attendees to learn about the activities they could be part of, such as access to job offers, talent attraction programs, interaction with different women's networks in mining, touring the exhibition and interacting with exhibiting companies; all this added to interesting conversations focused on the incorporation of more women into the industry.

EXPONOR 2024 -june 3 – 6- has the support of its strategic partners Albemarle, Antofagasta Minerals, CODELCO, Escondida | BHP, GLENCORE, Minera El Abra, Pan American Silver, Sierra Gorda SCM, Spence | BHP and SQM, together with the backing of APRIMIN, Consejo Minero, Generadoras de Chile, InvestChile, the Ministries of Economy, Mining and Energy, the Regional Government, ProChile, SOFOFA and SONAMI. Official media partners are Minería Chilena, Reporte Minero and El Mercurio de Antofagasta. Stands can be reserved at: - 552 454 335.

EXPONOR 2024... Solutions for a sustainable industry.

Antofagasta, november 23, 2023.


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