
Tourist information offices:

Address: Arturo Prat #384, Floor 1
Teléfono: +56 55 2 451 818

Dirección: Parque Manuel Rodríguez, Edificio Espacio Parque, Torre A, Local 7
Phone: +56 55 2 531 707

San Pedro de Atacama
Address: Toconao #405
Teléfono: +56 55 2 451 818

Dirección: Plaza de Armas de Mejillones s/n
Teléfono: +56 55 2 557 300

Antofagasta: General and tourist information on the city



Port and mining city. Regional capital of the Antofagasta Region, located in the north of the country, with a population of approximately 361,000 inhabitants (2017 census, INE).

Better known as the Pearl of the North, it is a city between the desert and the sea, with amazing geological formations, cliffs, warm waters and beautiful native flora and fauna. The capital of the region, it was also the birthplace of the Chilean saltpetre extraction era.


The city has a coastal desert climate, which translates into very mild weather throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius and little rainfall. For more information, click HERE. HERE.


Public transport: the city has a line of buses, commonly called "micros"; they operate from approximately 6:00 a.m. to midnight, with a frequency of every 10 minutes. The cost is 600 CLP (less than 1 USD), which must be paid only in cash and directly to the bus driver at the time of boarding.

There is also a line of shared taxis, "colectivos"; they are sedan-type vehicles with a capacity of four passengers. The cost will depend on the journey and ranges from 850 CLP to 1,500 CLP, which must be paid only in cash and directly to the driver.

Taxis or "radio taxis": several companies offer this service, they can be found parked outside the main points of the city, such as the airport, shopping centres, supermarkets, bars, main square, etc. You can also call to book one. The price is determined based on a taximeter, and therefore the rate varies depending on the time and kilometres travelled.

Rent a car: ethere are several national and regional companies operating in the city, who offer an online booking service with vehicle pick-up, both at the airport and in the city.


Antofagasta has a broad-ranging and diverse cuisine, both national and international, highlighting the fish and seafood from the area. Prices vary according to the category of the establishment, ranging from 10,000 CLP to 40,000 CLP per person (between 10 USD and 40 USD).

If you're looking for recommendations based on reviews, click HERE.


The Andrés Sabella Airport is located 30 minutes from the city centre and 10 minutes from the EXPONOR grounds. Domestic and international flights operate daily.

You can travel to or from the airport through taxi services, with values between 25,000 and 40,000 CLP (from 25 to 40 USD). This will depend on the distance and type of vehicle. Or, another option is to use a shared transfer, with a cheaper value.

Important: always choose official means of transport.



Since Antofagasta, or the Pearl of the North, has a privileged climate, the city and its attractions can be enjoyed throughout the year, thanks to its low rainfall. We invite you to continue reading, to learn more about the different attractions and tours that the region has, to get to know the city and its surroundings.


Known as the Land of Sun and Copper, the city has a vibrant spirit brought to it by the miners from the Chuquicamata copper pit, which can be seen from all parts of the city. In addition to its services and amenities, it is the starting point for expeditions to the villages to the interior of El Loa.


An oasis of human, geological and cultural contrasts, in the driest desert in the world. This is the starting point for a series of journeys that will transport you to unique and incomparably beautiful landscapes, where wildlife can be found in its natural habitat.


Explore the beauty of the seascape and the extensive paradisiacal beaches with a boat ride in Mejillones Bay, which is home to rich marine biodiversity and where you can spot various species such as whales, migratory birds, sea lions and Humboldt penguins, among others.




Tourist information offices:

Address: Arturo Prat #384, Floor 1
Teléfono: +56 55 2 451 818

Dirección: Parque Manuel Rodríguez, Edificio Espacio Parque, Torre A, Local 7
Phone: +56 55 2 531 707

San Pedro de Atacama
Address: Toconao #405
Teléfono: +56 55 2 451 818


Carta Embajadora:

“Canadá es el principal país extranjero inversionista en Chile. Del total de inversiones, más del 50% corresponden al sector minero, siendo Antofagasta una de las principales regiones donde operan empresas e inversionistas canadienses. Por su parte, la Región de Antofagasta ha construido lazos durante los últimos años con regiones mineras en Canadá, en especial en el norte de Ontario y en el norte de Quebec.

Por ello, Canadá ha participado en EXPONOR desde sus inicios, presentando a empresas canadienses proveedoras de la minería y creando redes y puentes comerciales entre nuestras naciones. Sin embargo, la próxima versión 2026 será especial para nosotros, ya que tenemos el honor de ser, por primera vez, el País Invitado a la exhibición EXPONOR 2026. Para la Embajada de Canadá, esto es reflejo de los años de trabajo colaborativo que hemos llevado a cabo.

Confío en que facilitará diversas instancias donde podremos seguir afianzando nuestra colaboración, con la premisa del interés común de Canadá y Chile de promover el desarrollo integral del sector minero, con prácticas de negocios innovadoras y tecnologías de punta, compatibles con el cuidado del medio ambiente y que contribuyan a la prosperidad de la Región de Antofagasta y de su gente.

Además, nos alegra mucho saber que la gestión de esta iniciativa está en manos de mujeres, lo que apoya una temática central dentro del plan de progreso de la minería canadiense. Me refiero a la promoción de la participación femenina en la industria minera, particularmente en roles de toma de decisión de esta industria. Así se demuestran los grandes aportes que las profesionales, técnicas y administrativas pueden hacer en pro de la innovación, el desarrollo sostenible y la búsqueda de soluciones, entre otras contribuciones para la industria.

Agradezco a la Asociación de Industriales de Antofagasta, AIA, que ha mantenido un esfuerzo sostenido con la labor de estrechar los lazos con Canadá y les felicito por el liderazgo regional con esta exitosa instancia que cada dos años reúne a decenas de miles de personas y empresas que buscan generar oportunidades en el sector minero y energético.

Con todo lo anterior, confío en que la versión 2026 de EXPONOR traerá consigo amplias posibilidades y que, como país invitado, ofrecemos nuestra disposición, entusiasmo y experticia para apoyar el robustecimiento y la concretización de nuevas alianzas por el desarrollo sostenible de la minería.

Finalmente, y desde ya, les dejo la invitación a relacionarse con las empresas canadienses que estarán presentes en la exhibición, y así potenciar mutuamente sus negocios y facilitar el traspaso de conocimientos”.

Karolina Guay

Embajadora designada de Canadá en Chile

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