June 05, 2024

Antofagasta will need 43% of the total demand for workers by 2032

A day almost completely dedicated to human capital in the mining industry at EXPONOR 2024, with conversation and debate sessions between women, students and executives from the large companies.

Based on the investment projects that are expected to materialize in the region in the next eight years, CCM Eleva estimated that the demand for skilled workers in mining will represent 43% of the total national demand, considering over 14,500 workers. According to this, the largest gaps detected between demand and education are for the profiles of Mechanical Maintainer, Fixed Equipment Operator and Maintenance Supervisor.

These results were presented at the seminar Where is the human talent for the new challenges in mining? organized jointly by CCM – Eleva and Impulsa 4.0 "This was a seminar where we could talk about how to enhance human talent for the new mining industry that requires not only cutting-edge professional preparation, but also leadership, conflict resolution and communication skills, all these form part of the mining we need for the future", said Vladimir Glasinovic, CCM-Eleva Director.

For her part, Cecilia Meléndez, Manager at Impulsa 4.0, especially valued this opportunity for conversation to analyse the requirements in terms of education based on future market needs. "Mining 4.0 will require more complex and specific professional profiles in terms of human capital and now at EXPONOR we were able to discuss among the different actors what profile we need, and what education and tools are needed, generating a rich debate".

In addition, during the morning the Safety Workshop with a Gender Focus was also held, which brought together about 50 female mine operators and industry workers in a joint activity by the SEREMIS of Mining and of Women and Gender Equality. Sharing experiences and learning in the area of mining safety was the main objective of the event where women participated spontaneously, presenting their concerns and also contributions to enrich more inclusive work in mining.

With three panels that addressed the connection between industry and higher education - to attract young women with the opportunities offered by mining - the generation of value, and the role of mining and supply companies, RedEG held the seminar Women and Mining / Female Talent in a day with high attendance, including executives from mining companies, the President of the AIA, Marko Razmilic and the President of SONAMI, Jorge Riesco. In the activity, inaugurated by the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, and sponsored by Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Orica, Compromiso Minero and Enaex, the attendees actively participated in the various opportunities for conversation that closed with an international networking session.

Francisca Saieh, VP Marketing & Technology at Orica, said "I value this opportunity to connect where we were all present, mining is built together, men and women advancing along the same line, where ideas, vision and development are done together".

Jorge Riesco, President of SONAMI, said that "there is a cultural change and we are all part of it. This seminar has shown this, and this discussion is vital if we want to not only advance in gender equality in the industry, but to build a society with equal opportunities".

At the Don Bosco Technical-Professional School, the VIII Congress of Technical-Professional Students of the Northern Macrozone was held during a morning full of activities and creativity. Over 60 young people from technical-professional schools in the region used the day to analyse the challenges of new mining in professional matters. "It's my first time at this seminar and I found the topic of discussion very interesting, but the most attractive thing was the opportunity we had to talk with students from other establishments in the region", said Constanza Gahona, an eleventh grader at the Don Bosco Calama Industrial Technical School.

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 6, the last day of EXPONOR, various seminars will address innovation and the Pitch of the Launch Your Innovation Program will also be held in the search for the two most outstanding initiatives that will receive an award so their development can continue to evolve.

EXPONOR 2024 -june 3 – 6- has the support of its strategic partners Albemarle, Antofagasta Minerals, Capstone Copper, CODELCO, Escondida | BHP, GLENCORE, Minera El Abra, Pampa Norte | BHP, Pan American Silver, Sierra Gorda SCM and SQM, together with the sponsorship of APRIMIN, Consejo Minero, Generadoras de Chile, InvestChile, the Ministries of Economy, Mining and Energy, the Regional Government, ProChile, SOFOFA and SONAMI. Its official airline is LATAM and its official media are Minería Chilena, Reporte Minero, El Mercurio de Antofagasta and Timeline. Confirm your visit at: acreditacion.exponor.cl

EXPONOR 2024… Solutions for a sustainable industry

Antofagasta, june 5, 2024


Sustainable EXPONOR: a cooperative implemented a comprehensive waste management system

Of note was the differentiated treatment of plastic, tin, paper, cardboard and glass, as well as their subsequent baling for sale. In each edition, EXPONOR focuses on mentioning various aspects that are part of the topics that are important to the mining and energy industries, nationally and internationally. Along these lines, one of the areas...

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