June 04, 2024

Technical visits, seminars and business meetings rule the day at EXPONOR 2024

The second day of activities was marked by technical visits from mining companies, in addition to the second day of the ProChile business roundtable and the EXPONOR Business Roundtable meetings.

Analysing the advantages of its implementation and the requirements to make it a reality, was the objective of the first seminar of the day, Opportunities and Challenges of the Bioceanic Corridor, organized by URAI-GORE and AIA, in which authorities from Chile, Brazil and the People's Republic of China presented their points of view from a collaborative perspective, with the purpose of materializing this dream.

"China and Chile are strategic trade partners. Being present at EXPONOR 2024 with the largest pavilion of companies is a unique opportunity to reinforce these alliances so that they result in more progress, more development and economic and industrial growth for both countries", said Fu Xinrong, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Iquique.

Given the trade agreements with the Asian giant, Chile offers very good opportunities to countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay to trade their products with China.

"Having a large international presence at EXPONOR 2024 is vital to materializing this dream, to talk and learn of all the advantages in terms of growth that the bioceanic corridor will bring, this opportunity is undoubtedly vital for all involved", said Alvaro Echeverría, Director of the Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce.

Later, Fundación Chile and AIA presented the seminar oriented to sustainability with the work and impact that mining companies have in their respective territories.

"The mining industry has the obligation to continue moving forward, generating progress and development for the territory; but this must be done responsibly, with our surroundings and our communities. This has been the central pillar of this seminar, positioning sustainability as a key point for progress", said Rocío Amarilla-Páez, General Counsel for Sustainability and Corporate Affairs at Sierra Gorda SCM..

In the following panel, experts analysed adaptation to climate change, considering the various actors of the ecosystem: producer companies, suppliers and the community.

"This opportunity provided by EXPONOR is vital so that large industry, supplier companies, foreign delegations, authorities and the community can meet to address the challenges of climate change and how we can solve this situation", said Margarita Ducci, Executive Director of Global Compact Chile.

For its part, SQM invited representatives from the communities of Huara, Pozo Almonte, Bajo Soga and Pintados to this seminar, as part of the virtuous circle of connection with the territory. In the afternoon, the Green Hydrogen seminar will be held, where experts will address the possibilities of materializing the production of the fuel of the future in the Antofagasta Region.

Today, EXPONOR received thousands of visitors of whom at least several hundred came from mining companies, such as the Ministro Hales and Chuquicamata divisions of CODELCO, and representatives of the Antofagasta Minerals group companies, Centinela, Antucoya and Zaldívar.

The second round of meetings of the ProChile International Business Roundtable was also held today and the EXPONOR business roundtable sessions continued. Both activities are an incentive for commercial exchange promoted by the exhibition.

"Participation has been very high, since we have so far held over 340 meetings, in which over 100 Chilean mining supplier companies have participated, and have met with 11 buyers from foreign companies. We project business for around US$ 18 million for this occasion", said Marcia Rojas, Regional Director of ProChile.

EXPONOR 2024 -june 3 – 6- has the support of its strategic partners Albemarle, Antofagasta Minerals, Capstone Copper, CODELCO, Escondida | BHP, GLENCORE, Minera El Abra, Pampa Norte | BHP, Pan American Silver, Sierra Gorda SCM and SQM, together with the sponsorship of APRIMIN, Consejo Minero, Generadoras de Chile, InvestChile, the Ministries of Economy, Mining and Energy, the Regional Government, ProChile, SOFOFA and SONAMI. Its official airline is LATAM and its official media are Minería Chilena, Reporte Minero, El Mercurio de Antofagasta and Timeline. Confirm your visit at: acreditacion.exponor.cl

EXPONOR 2024… Solutions for a sustainable industry

Antofagasta, june 4, 2024


EXPONOR 2026: Canada, guest country.

Por Andrea Moreno, gerente general de EXPONOR.   Del total de inversiones que Canadá materializa en Chile, sobre el 50% corresponden al sector minero. La Región de Antofagasta es la zona donde sus inversionistas y empresas más operan. Y no es menor, este gigante...

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