May 06, 2024

EXPONOR: a showcase for suppliers and an opportunity for large companies

Through two initiatives that are anchors within its program of activities, EXPONOR 2024 seeks to make visible the innovations and proposals of suppliers and the operational challenges of the industry.

Visits to worksites and technical talks are two activities that arouse high interest within the program that EXPONOR offers its visitors, due to the location and the possibility of showing the challenges of the mining industry and the benefits of the products and services presented by the more than 1,100 exhibitors who will participate in this exhibition.

Albemarle, Minera Centinela, SQM with two of its plants, Spence | BHP, El Peñón and CODELCO through its Radomiro Tomic and Chuquicamata divisions, will open their doors so that exhibitors and related public can visit their operational areas with the purpose of identifying the main challenges in each of the processes on site, thus identifying possible innovative and technological development solutions, achieving a mutual benefit between mining-industrial companies and supplier companies.

These visits are scheduled for June 4, 5, and 6. More information and registration at

The purpose of the EXPONOR 2024 Technical Talks includes launching new products, showing your innovations and services, or simply introducing your company.

Through 40-minute presentations, exhibiting companies will be able to present their novelties to their current and potential customers in the Molybdenum Pavilion. On this occasion, 130 presentations on different subjects are scheduled to be held from Monday 3 to Thursday 6 on the exhibition grounds.

Procesos y mantenimiento; agua, energía y medioambiente; componentes, elementos, maquinarias y herramientas; seguridad operacional; automatización y control; gestión de personas, y soluciones sistemáticas son las siete categorías que se consideran en un espacio abierto a otros expositores y público en general, que busca conocer las últimas novedades en minería, energía y sector industrial en general.

For more information on the Technical Talks program, dates, times, topics to be addressed and the companies that present them, go to

EXPONOR 2024 -june 3 – 6- has the support of its strategic partners Albemarle, Antofagasta Minerals, CODELCO, Escondida|BHP, Minera El Abra, Pan American Silver, Sierra Gorda SCM, Spence|BHP and SQM, together with the backing of APRIMIN, Consejo Minero, Generadoras de Chile, InvestChile, the Ministries of Economy, Mining and Energy, the Regional Government, ProChile, SOFOFA and SONAMI. Official media partners are Minería Chilena, Reporte Minero, El Mercurio de Antofagasta and Timeline. Credit your visit:

EXPONOR 2024... Solutions for a sustainable industry.

Antofagasta, may 6, 2024.


Sustainable EXPONOR: a cooperative implemented a comprehensive waste management system

Of note was the differentiated treatment of plastic, tin, paper, cardboard and glass, as well as their subsequent baling for sale. In each edition, EXPONOR focuses on mentioning various aspects that are part of the topics that are important to the mining and energy industries, nationally and internationally. Along these lines, one of the areas...

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