
Minister of Mining, Brazilian Ambassador and AIA launch EXPONOR 2024

The activity was held within the framework of the SICEP Suppliers Meeting in Santiago, in which Apex-Brazil and industry actors also participated.

EXPONOR 2024 is fast approaching: the twentieth edition of the International Exhibition of Technologies and Innovations for the Mining and Energy Industry was launched in Santiago, officially welcoming the Guest Country of Honor, Brazil, in the person of its Ambassador, Paulo Pacheco.

This occurred within the framework of the Mining Suppliers Meeting organized by SICEP and the Antofagasta Industrial Association, which brought together suppliers and executives from Antofagasta Minerals and BHP, along with other industry actors and Aline Paulista de Oliveira, Coordinator of International Events at Apex-Brazil, the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments in charge of bringing that country’s participation in the exhibition.

Diplomat Paulo Pacheco highlighted the benefits of Brazil and its potential as a manufacturer of mechanical capital goods, which is complemented by mining experience and knowledge of the Chilean market.

Being the first Latin American Guest of Honour at EXPONOR is a great joy and responsibility. By 2025, the Bioceanic Corridor works should have been completed, which will further boost the Brazil-Chile relationship. My country is a traditional mining industry supplier to the Chilean market, which is why I believe it is a very opportune time to take on this role in the exhibition and give another example of the traditional boundless friendship between Brazil and Chile", said Ambassador Pacheco.

The event was attended by the Minister of Mining, Aurora Williams, who expressed her enthusiasm for having Brazil at EXPONOR. "Brazil, as a guest country, will provide opportunities for internationalization to mining industry suppliers, especially those that are concentrated in the northern macrozone of Chile, which is one of the fundamental tasks of our ministry's Supplier Companies Roundtable. As a country, we have world-class mining and, naturally, our suppliers are in good standing to export their goods and services; EXPONOR 2024 will promote interaction between suppliers of goods, services and technology-based items with Chilean and Brazilian demand," said Ms. Williams.


EXPONOR expects the participation of 850 exhibitors from 30 countries for next year, an exhibition that in its last edition achieved US$ 850 million in business, projected for twelve months.

Over 55% of the stands have already been reserved, with a national and international presence, with countries confirmed so far including Germany, Australia, Canada, China, the U.S. and Peru, among others, which will join soon. We will have a very high-powered exhibition, so we invite you to reserve a space at EXPONOR and star in this great international technology and innovation event, which will be the most important of next year", said Andrea Moreno, EXPONOR Manager.

It is an international event that brings together the most select of the mining and energy industry, to enhance the creation of networks, business, and make new suppliers and companies available to provide the technological solutions and innovations required by the sector.

EXPONOR 2024 -june 3 – 6- has the support of its strategic partners Albemarle, Antofagasta Minerals, CODELCO, Escondida|BHP, Minera El Abra, Pan American Silver, Sierra Gorda SCM, Spence|BHP and SQM, together with the backing of APRIMIN, Consejo Minero, Generadoras de Chile, the Ministries of Economy, Mining and Energy, the Regional Government, ProChile, SOFOFA and SONAMI. Official media partners are Minería Chilena, Reporte Minero and El Mercurio de Antofagasta. Stands can be reserved at: reservas@exponor.cl - 552 454 335.

EXPONOR 2024... Solutions for a sustainable industry.


Santiago, september 6, 2023.


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